Becoming a Christ-follower

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:8-10

The good news of Jesus Christ is news for everyone.  Knowing God, experiencing His life-changing love, and receiving His salvation all comes to us through unmerited grace and through faith in Jesus Christ alone. The Bible teaches us that all have sinned and are guilty before God. Everyone is in need of a savior. Amazingly, God sent Jesus to be our Savior. God provided salvation, which we could never acquire on our own.  No one can be good enough, no one is intelligent enough, no one is born into a good enough family.  We are all in need of the salvation only found by grace alone, through faith alone, and in Christ alone.  

With this in mind, we can break down how the Bible explains this unfolding drama of our need for salvation and God's provision for our need through four movements of the good news: Creation - Fall - Redemption - Restoration.  
There is one true and living God who created all things and sustains all of creation in his power.  This God is perfect, good and without sin.  This is his world and creation, and therefore we are all accountable to God.  
We all sin.  Every single one of us.   And because of this sin we all deserve God's judgment.  In fact, God's goodness and righteousness demands that there be justice through judgment because of the evil our sin.  Yes, humans can on occasion do good deeds, but can never overcome the sin that condemns us before a holy God.  This goes back to the Fall of our very first parents, Adam and Eve.  They rebelled against God's good rule, and we have been ruled by sin ever since.  
Though we all deserve judgment, God is merciful beyond our comprehension.  Because God chose to reveal his mercy, he began a plan to redeem a people for himself.  The Bible is God's story of this redemption which reveals how God chose for himself a people who he would love, save, and redeem, so that through them he would bring his chosen savior.   This Savior is Jesus Christ, the eternally begotten Son of God.  Only God himself could save us, and so God himself did save us.  Jesus, though God, took on human flesh, fully God and now fully man.  He lived a life of perfect obedience to the Father, the life we could never live ourselves.  Then, he willingly allowed himself to be murdered on the Cross.  In his death he took upon himself God's wrath for sin, the justice that was reserved for us because of our sin.  Because he was perfect and righteous, Jesus satisfied God's wrath and justice upon sin.  In his death, he became the perfect atoning sacrifice for sin and the payment due to ransom a fallen people from sin.  His sacrifice was perfect and complete.  No other atonement for sin is required or accepted.  
The Story of Jesus doesn't end with his death.  God declared Jesus His son, and that his sacrifice was acceptable for the redemption of sins by raising Jesus from the dead!  Jesus defeated death, hell and sin by rising from the dead.  The curse of sin was broken by his resurrection life.    The same Spirit that rose Jesus from the dead gives life to any who places their trust in the death of Jesus for their sins and the resurrection of Jesus for their hope for eternal life. All of their sins, past, present, and future, are paid for by the atoning work of Jesus.  They are placed into a new relationship with God and are filled with God's Spirit.  They no longer need to fear death or judgment, because Jesus lives, and those who are saved by him will also live forever with God in the new creation that is brought forth through his power.    Christians on this side of heaven will still continue to battle sin in their lives.  But the Spirit of God is inside us, bringing forth new life and desires with us to live life in submission to God's rule and will for us.  While we still struggle with sin, we need not fear for Jesus Christ is our advocate in heaven.    

Most importantly, we know that Christ will return.  When Christ returns and establishes his kingdom fully in this world, sin and death will be no more.  We too will be made new in resurrected bodies, fully glorified by Christ, and without sin.  

How does this redemption and restoration become ours?  By acknowledging that we are sinners who deserve God's judgment.   Then trust that Jesus made atonement for all of our sin by dying on the cross for sin.  Believe that Jesus rose again from the dead, and therefore his sacrifice for your sin was complete.  Finally, submit yourself before God, for him to be the Lord of your life.  
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